This is a specially designed healing card to support fundraising for the Divine Heart Center expansion projects. This card is used as a token that represents that Reiki healing is being sent to the affirmation stated at the back of the card for the period of validity of the card. This is a very powerful spiritual healing and protection token from the Divine Heart Center for those who are supportive of the center's spiritual and material efforts to expand the message of creating happiness within one's world and worldwide through the spiritual practice of Reiki Raja Yoga for self-healing and self-realization.
The card is the size of a typical business card. The seekers can write an affirmation, a life situation or a payer at the back of the card for which they would like to receive distance Reiki healing. Once the affirmation and a begin date is written on the card, healing starts flowing to the affirmation. Make sure that the best practices of writing affirmations are followed, such as:-
- Make affirmations that are positive and worthwhile.- Write the affirmations in a present perfect tense; e.g., Joe's job interview has gone very well and he has received the job offer.
- Add your own effort in the affirmation; e.g., Joe's job interview has gone very well and he has received the job offer. Joe has made all the necessary efforts to prepare for the job interview and the job.
- The affirmation should be "open ended" so that you are not attached to it and are letting Reiki power decide the best outcome for you. For e.g., "Joe's job interview has gone very well and, if the job is his best interest, he has received the job offer. Joe has made all the necessary efforts to prepare for the job interview and the job" or "Joe has found the most appropriate job at soon as suitable and has made the necessary effort finding the job"
-Always leave the result on Reiki. Reiki has infinite intelligence to manifest what's best for us. Therefore, end all affirmations in "So it is. Thank You Reiki. Divine Will Be Done".
If you are already a Reiki Raja Yoga initiate, then also follow any other instructions provided you to make the affirmations most effective.
One can use multiple healing cards for enhancing the healing. The card can be carried in a wallet or a purse for added spiritual coverage and protection.