
 While North Korea was busy shelling South Korea today, Divine Heart Center was working on initiating and training a Master who, along with a few more DHC Masters, will become the source of peace and healing in the times to come. 

Divine Heart Center welcomes new Master Rajat Vaish, who will start his Reiki and Raja Yoga practice in the New Jersey/New York area in the USA. 

When I and Parul first met Rajat many years back in a Border's bookstore near Boston, his questions in the first few minutes of our conversation were centered on the meaning of "Samadhi" and how to get there. I could see that he is someone who would never give up till the goal is achieved. 

I and Parul congratulate Rajat and wish him all the success in his spiritual endeavors. 

Seekers and initiates near the New Jersey and New York area should reach out to Rajat for empowered initiation into Reiki and Raja Yoga and for continued support. He can be reached atrajat.vaish@divineheartcenter.com

