Most of my initiates and seekers are educated and smart people. However, very often I find that even smart people don’t make any plans for their spiritual growth. They plan for career growth, kids, friends, entertainment, vacation and retirement but ignore the most important aspect of this life - spiritual growth. Many believe that spirituality is free and that an occasional temple visit, fasting or just being good will evolve them. This understanding is incorrect. Spirituality is the foundation of one’s life. A shaky foundation can not provide stability no matter how strong of a house one erects on top of it .
In a similar way that one tries to look for a house in the best neighborhood and tries his or her best to afford it, one has to painstakingly plan to associate oneself with the best spiritual path one can find. This may require you to adjust your career and your family obligations to find time and energy for spiritual practice. This may require spending time and money to travel great distance to be in a spiritual place and benefit from the tradition and spiritual energy of such places. This may require saving vacation days to attend events that will enrich you spiritually.
When individuals who are well placed in life come to me and say that they have no money or time to spend on their spiritual practice, I am unable to hold myself from smiling at them. Even if one is making a modest income, time and money are a matter of prioritization. The truth is that spiritual longing has not moved many of us from within to find our own true self. As a result, many of us end up living a life chasing mirages while being emotionally and mentally imbalanced within. This imbalance eventually leads to physical sickness, jeopardizing the very body, mind and the family for whose comfort most people work day and night.
Make spiritual investment part of your planning. Educate yourself to see how happiness and stability are connected to your inner condition. A human being needs to have faith, inner security and conviction to live life fully. It is true that God doesn’t ask for money but as a human being who lives in an inter-dependent society it is important that you significantly contribute your time, energy and money to uplift the standards of spirituality in this world.
- Shailesh