Reiki Raja Yoga - Philosophy and Practice of Self Healing and Self Realization


We all seek peace amidst the hustle of the daily grind, but not many know how to access the essential stillness within us.

Whether you’re a young professional caught up in the web of life or a seeker of knowledge and healing through God, Reiki Raja Yoga Philosophy and Practice of Holistic Healing and Self-Realization will lead you on a guided journey toward understanding the foundational principles of the Reiki Raja Yoga practice and how you can implement it in your everyday life.

Learning to balance both the material and spiritual sides of his own life, Grandmaster Shailesh, a successful and busy professional, guides you down a spiritual path to find answers to your most important questions—What is Reiki? What is Raja Yoga? Why is spirituality needed? How does spiritual healing really happen?

Through the answers to these questions and illustrated meditations, you will begin to find relief from daily stress, as you learn to connect to your own inner calm.

Restore your health and balance in this chaotic world—take your first steps toward a life of harmony and consciousness through routine reflection and curative procedure.

Reiki Raja Yoga: Philosophy and Practice of Holistic Healing and Self-Realization

Reiki Raja Yoga: Philosophy and Practice of Holistic Healing and Self-Realization