From the moment my first child was born, a beautiful journey of parenting has started. I thank my children for being great teachers in my life - for inspiring me to be loving, wise, patient, joyous, creative, and for making me a better person.
Kids are like mirrors - they intuitively grasp your internal feelings and state of mind and reflect it back to you. They absorb, magnify and reflect every emotion. If I smile at them, I will get hundreds of smiles back. If they sense anger, they will send hundreds of lightenings of anger back at me.
So I need to always remember and practice these 5 principles of spiritual parenting:
- I shall use wisdom.
- I shall be patient.
- I shall fill my heart with unconditional love.
- I shall be non-attached.
- I shall always be calm.
I thank Divine for the most precious gift in the world - being a Mother. I thank my dear mother for everything she has done for me.
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers. May Divine Mother showers us with blessings!