Divine Heart Center organizes multiple meditation sessions every week. There are discussions during the sessions and the host answers the questions and provides guidance to the seekers on how to progress in their practice.


W/E  15-Sep-2019


The following topics were discussed during Advanced Meditation Session:-

Host - Grandmaster Shailesh

  • The differences between the chakra system of Kriya Yoga and Reiki and how to approach the Kriya meditation. 
  • Identifying activities that cause distraction and take us away from our meditation. 
  • How even images of too many Gods and Goddesses can cause distraction and how an energized image can help us focus better. 
  • How inner guidance to help others - is a sign that, an advanced practitioner is progressing in the right direction. 
  • The homework was to identify 1-2 activities that can remove distraction which can help add 2 minutes more to your practice.


The following topics were discussed during Basic Meditation Session:-

Host - Grandmaster Shailesh 

  • How to get in the right Asana (posture). 
  • We then traced on the spine and performed spinal breathing meditation. We then progressed to spinal breathing with the mantra
  • We ended the meditation by resting in the after-state poise of meditation. 
  • We read a few paragraphs from the Bhagvad Gita about: 
    • How the sexual impulse and relationships at a physical level should be handled, so that they don’t become blockers in the path of Yoga.
    • This was part of the chapter where Paramhansa Yogananda differentiates how our senses behave when they are under the influence of Soul power versus when they are under the influence of the Ego syndrome.


Aum Prem